March 27, 2012

Patience Day 1 and bikes bikes bikes!

My beautiful niece, Alexis, got a new bike so we decided to go on a bike ride with her while Jenna was at school on Monday morning. The girls had fun riding their Pinkalicious bikes together and my sister and I (and Kaitlyn) had a nice walk behind them. 
Later on that afternoon, we decided to get Jenna a bigger bike and give Carly her old bike. 
She LOVES her new bike and got to pick out what color she wanted (I was happy she picked pink (=)

She looks like such a big kid on her new bike, yikes!

 Carly LOVES her 'new' bike too! She could care less that it was Jenna's old bike, which was a relief. We had to drag them in for dinner that night!
I hope the weather clears up this week, so we can go on a long bike ride!

 Kaitlyn waiting patiently while the girls rode their bikes and mom cooked dinner
 Our new word this week is Patience. Carly wanted to ride her new bike so badly, but she didn't want to wait for Daddy to put the training wheels on. We talked a little bit upstairs while Daddy was getting the bikes ready, about how we have to wait patiently for our bikes to be ready to ride. We talked about how Carly wouldn't be able to ride her bike without the training wheels on, but if she waited for Daddy to put them on- then she would be able to ride it. We also talked about how being patient means that we are waiting nicely or with a happy heart. Daddy was doing something nice for them, so we had to wait patiently until he was finished.
We had a great talk about our new word, while waiting for the bikes to be ready. I look forward to talking more about patience and what it means and why it's important with the girls!

(Look at little Kaitlyn Jean's head peeking out in the picture)