October 12, 2009

Sedona Trip DAY 5!

Since Carly wasn't sleeping AT ALL while we were away from home, we decided to go home a day early so we could catch up on some sleep before James had to go back to work. We woke up Monday morning, packed up our things, and headed home!
Jenna was very excited to be able to take home the movie Grandpa Chuck and Grandma Dana had bought for her to watch while we were visiting.

Our first stop (well, the first stop after our stop 30 mins from their house to change a poopy diaper) was to eat lunch and let Abbe out to do her biznass.
We ended up on Route 66 for a bit, which was kind of neat!

We found a little park on Route 66 to eat lunch at.
I think Jenna was showing me her 'salad' that she does not like in her sandwich, in this picture.

It even had a dog park for Abbe!

We let Jenna run on the dirt part of the dog park, so she wouldn't step in poop... yuck.

I don't remember which stop this was... but you can see by their faces how much fun they are having being stuck in the car for so long!

"Are we home yet?" )=

I think we got home around 1030pm that night. It was actually a much better drive, driving during the daytime and we made pretty good time.
I have to say that I am very proud of us for taking such a long road trip with a toddler and a baby. It was totally worth it and I'm glad we got to spend a fun weekend with the family!