September 24, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese!

Our good friends, Bobby and Rachel, invited us to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate Caleb's third birthday with them. We all had a great time playing games and watching out for "The Pizza Guy" aka: Chuck E. Cheese (according to Jenna) ha!

While we were having our basketball competition, Jenna decided to open the door that was not supposed to be open and the alarm went off! It was really really loud and it took them forever to shut it off (enough time to run and take a picture of Jenna covering her ears)!
Why weren't her parents watching her?!

Bobby trying to cover up the final score of James destroying him at basketball! hee

Here's Bobby pretending to have the high score... I guess I could have left the previous picture out and just pretended that Bobby did in fact win the game- but what kind of wife would I be!

Time to pick out some prizes! I think Jenna got a cheap bracelet that didn't stay hooked, a comb, and a little plastic fish that we dropped on the way out. Caleb got a pretty cool little rocket launcher thing and a fish as well.
Thanks for inviting us Marchessault Family!