April 20, 2009

Sports camp is over THANK GOD!

I signed Jenna up for the Toddler Sports Academy, which was a 6 week long sports class for 2-3 year olds that met once a week. They played soccer, t-ball, and basketball. It was really cute to see all the little toddlers running around, trying to play ball.
The first sport we played was t-ball. Jenna LOVED playing catch and hitting the ball off the T. She also LOVED chasing all the birds around the humongous field... yeah, and mom loved chasing Jenna chase all the birds around the humongous field- while holding Carly in the carrier! arrrgg
Then we played basketball. Jenna dunked every basket- because she could, so not much shooting practice was going on! She also thought it was fun to kick the basketball onto the field and then somehow chase the birds around the humongous field again. So, the next basketball session I decided to leave Car Car with my mom so I could focus on Jenna and get her more involved without having to worry about the baby. But the day did not go well. I think she fell more than she played! She was super tired and kept falling over who knows what and scraped her knees on the hard asphalt, so she was not a happy camper.
Then came soccer. She seemed to enjoy kicking the basketball around, so I thought for sure she'd do great at soccer.... and she did! She was really good! I was amazed at how well she could kick the ball and dribble down the field. I think she was proud of herself too, which helped her stay into it. I was so happy to end the session with a fun day of soccer. However, I think I'll hold off on the toddler sports academy for now.. maybe when she's older and doesn't like chasing birds anymore!
Here's a picture of what most of the class was spent doing... her running to her stroller after getting in trouble for chasing the birds!

Her friend Peyton seemed to enjoy playing soccer too!

It was fun seeing Caleb test out our class, I think he enjoyed it as well!

When we got home from the class, I remember Jenna talking about how she didn't 'pay tention to coach Josh' it was actually cute to see her understand how naughty she was being, so I had to take a picture.